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You 're locked out!
Our Terms of Services and "Zero Tolerance" Policy were violated.
As part of our practice to protect our entire Network with include: Merchants, Consumers, and Drivers, Vice City Shops Network strives to ensure each of our partners are protected. Your store, IP and all related devices, has been flagged for violating the Vice City Shops Terms of Service.
Per the Vice City Shops Terms of Service, Vice City Shops reserves the right to ban/block IPs and devices as deemed necessary. We have carefully evaluated your interactions with us and all your previous website sessions, while we appreciate your interest in Vice City Shops, the decision to ban/block your IPs and devices is final at this time.
These sessions were recorded and collecting your GPS localization information and Device Generals for an analysis of the quality of our services and to guarantee the security of all our network and users.
If you have been redirected to this page, we greatly appreciate you to
Leave, right now!.
For additional information reach to our Compliance Team:
By phone: (786) 708-1234
By email:
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